
Manpower view
We are here every day to learn, explore and innovate
Manpower view
Talent standards: hard work, speed, innovation, cooperation
User purpose: people-oriented, people do their best, only mercy to use
Opportunities: encourage innovation and grow together
Closely linked to corporate strategic planning objectives and corporate culture requirements, the establishment of a sound and innovative human resources system.
Through the open and transparent recruitment selection system and a competitive incentive system, and vigorously introduce and develop technical, marketing and management of various types of professionals.
Build a scientific and rational performance management system, a comprehensive training system and improve the promotion mechanism to create a creative and hematopoietic function of the talent team.
Through the management continue to set an example, to benchmarking effect, inspire advanced, establish the struggle, speed, innovative corporate culture, so that human resources management truly become the core content of enterprise development strategy, and become a strategic target to achieve an important support and guarantee.
Career Development
The company for each of the staff to provide a clear and reasonable career development channel, as a high-tech enterprise gold card using dual career channel management mode, for the normal staff of the normal career channel design, for the professionals in addition to a career development channel, So as to meet the career development needs of most of the staff at the same time, to meet the professional development of professional staff needs to be free to choose in the professional and technical channels or in the management channel to be developed, the two channels of the same level of management and technical staff in the Status is equal. This career development channel can ensure that the company both to employ highly skilled managers, but also to attract highly skilled professional and technical personnel, optimize the company's human resources configuration, rational use of talent for employees to provide their own career development channel , To achieve the company and employees individual win-win.
Career growth tree
Dual career channel management model
This career development channel can ensure that the company both to employ highly skilled managers, but also to attract highly skilled professional and technical personnel, optimize the company's human resources configuration, rational use of talent for employees to provide their own career development channel , To achieve the company and employees individual win-win
Professional training
and comprehensive training
Excellent talent is the basis for achieving the strategic objectives of enterprises, training excellent staff is the driving force for sustainable development. The company established internal enterprise university, the introduction of CEI e-learning online learning management system, the construction of internal lecturers and curriculum development management system, based on corporate culture and qualifications based on the training from the new staff, technical staff to enhance professional skills, team talent echelon construction and Leadership, etc., according to the staff's interest and expertise tailored, the company all staff targeted training, run each gold card staff career, to ensure the company's sustainable development, to achieve the company's corporate vision.
No.158 Jinqiao Street, Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone , Zhejiang Province,China
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