
Data Collection System
Unified data collection for different meters, protocols, and networks

Data Collection System

We build the meter data collection platform to meet the following common and urgent requirements of the utilities : Different communication packets need to be parsed as configured to enable device operations using unified commands for different meters, sensors, and communication devices provided by different manufacturers. Data at different frequencies needs to be collected through the collection network established using different topology structures. Also, multi-granularity data needs to be stored in a unified database.

The USmart system provides cloud services for utilities, smart device suppliers, outworkers, and end users including residents, industrial & commercial users, and public institutions.

The system has the following functions and features:

●Unified data collection for different meters, protocols, and networks

●Management, operation monitoring, remote parameter setting, and remote control of meters and communication devices

●Multiple types of collection frequency and triggering mode settings for seamless integration with the billing system

●Data verification standard and estimation rule settings, VEE data verification and editing functions provided

●Multi-dimension data aggregation for statistics analysis and billing service requirements

●Information collection and services for end users through the Internet

●Service management function for managers based on big data analysis using graphs and reports

Customer information management functions are provided by the original service system. The USmart system can provide these functions through integration or data synchronization. If remote meter data cannot be used in the original service system, the data can be stored “again” in the USmart system through synchronization. Maintenance of information including device types, communication regulations, and network structures is a new information management function of the USmart system.

Based on synchronized information and the preceding new information, the USmart system provides remote collection, data verification, data management, collection monitoring, and statistics analysis functions.

Unified data collection for device types, communication protocols, packet formats, and commands

The system provides management on information including manufacturers, types of DTUs, RTUs, concentrators, collectors, and smart meters and device ledgers. The importing and batch creation functions are also provided to simplify initialization and batch installation.

The system allows customers to manage protocol types and to define frame template structures. Key information, such as commands and packets, is displayed in frame template view, enabling structured description for information parse.

The system provides command maintenance and defines service processing logic for each command which enable the same command to control different types of devices.

Meanwhile, the USmart system maintains report templates and separates information parsing from service logic, simplifying access of different types of devices to the system and fastening integration of new device types.

Collection channels built by IoT gas meters, mobile collection devices, DTUs, concentrators, and collectors

Load balancing management of collection networks is enabled through front-end processor configuration. Through service point configuration, a server can serve devices that use different protocols and multiple front-end processors can serve devices that use the same protocol.

The system supports the multi-level collection network structure consisting of concentrators and collectors. Relationships between network topology structures and physical locations are specified. Network structures are displayed as maps and topological graphs.

The system enables association between physical collection network structures and metering plan structures, simplifying integration of the collection platform and billing system.

The system allows network structure definition on IoT gas meters and customer group development based on buildings and units. The batch data exchange frequency can be specified as well.。

The system supports networking mode using RF mobile collection devices, online DTUs/RTUs, and offline DTUs. Integration with the SCADA system is also provided.

Service control functions for gas purchase, including pre-payment, step billing, and overdraft prevention

No matter meters have billing functions or not, the USmart system can provide functions including pre-payment management, monthly or yearly billing, daily settlement, threshold alarm, and automatic valve control for overdrafts.

The system obtains price adjustment, gas purchasing, and recharging information through synchronization from the service system, or the USmart system can obtain information directly. The USmart system can provide the daily settlement function and control daily expenditure of meters using commands, realizing near-real-time management.

Money amount is used rather than the purchased gas amount which avoid loss of gas companies caused by price adjustment.

If devices can support high-frequency data collection, the system can provide the RTP real-time billing solution, enabling the regulatory function of consumption amount based on the price.

Time- and event-driven batch processing and interactive real-time processing functions are supported

User and meter information synchronization is an important task during interworking between the service system and the USmart collection platform. Further customer and meter change information and periodic metering tasks can be synchronized using the initial batch synchronization method.

Both service operations, including registration, transferring, and deregistration, and technical operations, including meter installation, replacement, and removing, require command delivery to smart meters. Usually, a service operation triggers a command or a group of commands, which enable the service operation on meters step by step.

Meanwhile, the USmart system provides the command console for manual command delivery. Customers can set device attributes, initiate device operations, and collect device data and status information by sending commands manually.

Integration between meter data collection and the billing system and association among customers, meter operations, and meter commands

●Through data decoupling, the service system synchronizes batch service requests and the data collection platform synchronizes batch operations to the USmart system.

●Customer and meter change information synchronization

●Synchronization of collection requirements on meter consumption amount

●Synchronization of device parameter and service rule configuration requirements

●Information synchronization of device status, alarm information, and service exceptions

The system allows impromptu operations.

●Impromptu delivery of commands triggered by service system operations is provided.

●Command operation windows triggered by manual operations is provided.

Rule-based data verification and aggregation of different periods, types, and information granularity is provided.

Verification and estimation rules can be made for object groups that are set up based on customer types and consuming history data. Customers can customize collection periods and verification, prompt, and alarm rules.

Visualized data monitoring, analysis, and correction tools are provided. Historical data stored on meters or data stored in the center system can be used for automatic data correction.

Data is aggregated based on different data type (such as customer types, governing relationships, supply relationships, and price) and time nodes (such as hour, day, and month) to provide multi-granularity data for settlement, peak shaving, transmission and distribution management, and statistics analysis.

Multi-dimension big data analysis based on devices, customers, and consuming amount, real time monitoring on terminal devices, communication networks and collecting data.

Visualized monitoring

●To know the device operation status, make sure the device in well condition and improve the maintenance level.

●Collection network status is monitored to handle network problems in time.

●Visualized monitoring on service data to ensure accuracy of collected datas.

Service data analysis

●Consuming amount analysis based on customer types and governing relationships

●Price-based energy flow analysis

●Period-based energy requirement distribution analysis

●network -based load supply capability analysis

No.158 Jinqiao Street, Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone , Zhejiang Province,China
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